Seems like I've been blogging a lot about politics these week but I couldn't avoid it. I'm just annoyed by the condescending remarks made by some, obviously Pakatan Rakyat supporter, in West Malaysia about us East Malaysians holding on to our 18/20 points, in this blog post. Why am I offended by just one PR supporter's opinion? Because she is not the only West Malaysians who think this way. I've encountered other West Malaysians PR supporters who share her opinion.
Suddenly it seems that it is now Sarawakians' fault that certain activists from West Malaysian were barred from entering Sarawak during the run up to Sarawak's recently concluded election. She berated that Sarawakians treated unequally on fellow Malaysians and berated that it is "unfair" that Sabah and Sarawak have more power than other states in Malaysia when it comes to controlling our borders.
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This guy blocked the entry. Not the poor Sarawakians |
Someone pointed out to her that control of borders was part of our 18/20 points which was promised as part of the agreement for the formation of Malaysia. Then she patronizingly said that we shouldn't be proud of our 18/20 points because it is like NEP, NEP is used to lull the "rakyat" to ignorance.
Some West Malaysians also accuse us East Malaysians, in particular Sabahans as being racists because we are too Sabahan centric when it comes to political issues. Just vote for PR they say, they bring equality and change they say. Stop whining about your Sabahan issues they say. Well good luck with that I said.
So in conclusion, according to these "smarter and righteous than thou" Liberals who claimed to have a few Sabahan friends. Hence, they have the moral high ground to shove their views down our throats, 18/20 points is racist just like the NEP.
So you can imagine my amusement when I stumbled upon PR's "Buku Jingga edisi Sabah" on Keadilan Daily.
- Menjunjung kedaulatan Sabah sebagai negeri sah dalam Malaysia dengan mematikan sebarang tuntutan bertindih termasuk menghentikan bayaran kepada negara asing yang membuat tuntutan itu.
- Membawa usul ke Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) untuk menuntut hak Blok L dan M yang dirampas tanpa persetujuan rakyat Sabah dan mengambil tindakan mahkamah kepada mereka yang bertanggungjawab.
- Menyempurnakan sebuah Suruhanjaya DiRaja bagi mencari menyelesaikan kemelut pendatang tanpa izin.
- Memperuntuk RM1 bilion sebagai modal awal wang hasil royalti gas dan minyak dalam Tabung Warisan Sabah kepada rakyat Sabah yang pendapatan isi rumahnya bawah RM1,500 setiap keluarga.
- Melaksanakan tuntutan kenaikan royalti minyak Sabah sebanyak 20 peratus dengan menandatangani perjanjian baru dengan kerajaan Persekutuan.
- Menubuhkan syarikat minyak dan gas yang dimiliki rakyat Sabah dengan modal awal berbayar RM1 bilion dan mewujudkan sebuah konglomerat antarabangsa yang dibimbing Petronas.
- Melancarkan program Borneonisasi dalam sektor perkhidmatan awam secara berperingkat-peringkat untuk memastikan jawatan utama dipegang rakyat Sabah.
- Menuntut hak ke atas semua pulau-pulau kecil di perairan Sabah yang tuntutannya belum diselesaikan demi menjamin kedaulatan sempadan Sabah dan hasil minyak dan gas di perairannya.
- Menghormati dan mengiktiraf hak tanah adat dan menarik semula semua kes mahkamah berkaitan, yang dibawa kerajaan negeri sebelum ini.
- Mengukuhkan autonomi Sabah dengan menyemak kembali perkara yang termaktub dalam Perkara 20 untuk memastikan sebarang tindakan bertentangan, dihenti serta merta.
PR pledged to implement "Borneonization", to strengthen Sabah's autonomy and to revisit the 20 Points to ensure that anything to the contrary to what is promised to Sabah in regards to the 20 points, will be stopped immediately.
So what now? We shouldn't vote for PR because they have become racists? Should we follow your "advice", yes you the ones sitting on your high horse looking with contempt on our 18/20 Points.
Maybe we should continue voting for BN because under their rule, the 18/20 Points were mostly ignored. So according to your infinite wisdom, the same wisdom that lables us Sabahan as racists, it seems BN is not racist contrary to what is widely held.
So how ah?