January 26, 2012

Pirates and Slave Trading - North Borneo

I was reading A Decade in Borneo, written by Ada Pryer or Ada Blanche Locke. She is the wife of the first Resident of the British North Borneo Chartered Company (BNBCC) in Sandakan and in North Borneo, Mr William Burges Pryer. It was published in 1893; fourteen years after the founding of Elopura or Sandakan and about six year prior to the demise of William B. Pryer on 11 Januay 1899 at age 54 *1. Sandakan was founded by Mr Pryer on 21 June 1879 *2.

Pryer's monument in Sandakan. Souce : http://www.aboutsabah.com.my/?p=2549

January 18, 2012

Bonding With Gaya Street

Phew! It's been a while since I write anything, I wonder whether this blog still have followers :P. Why the absence? If you read yesterday's Daily Express, you would have seen this :P 

Yup that's me in the centre! LOL. I'm serving as the advisor of the Bonding with Gaya Street community heritage exhibition organized by our group North Borneo History Enthusiasts (NBHE).
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