March 30, 2010

Carnal Intercourse against the order of nature

Act 574 of the Penal Code

377a. Any person who has sexual connection with another person by the introduction of the penis into the anus or mouth of the other person is said to commit carnal intercourse against the order of nature.
Explanation – Penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual connection necessary to the offense described in this section.
Punishment for committing carnal intercourse against the order of nature

377b. Whoever voluntarily commits carnal intercourse against the order of nature shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to twenty years, and shall also be liable to whipping.

Committing carnal intercourse against the order of nature without consent, etc.

377c. Whoever voluntarily commits carnal intercourse against the order of nature on another person without the consent, or against the will, of the other person, or by putting the other person in fear of death to the person or any other person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of not less than five years and not more than twenty years, and shall also be liable to whipping.

The subject of sodomy and oral sex came up in Twitter yesterday, triggered by talks about the recent win of Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek in his bid for his party’s presidency.

There were twits comparing his situation to that of Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, the leader of the Opposition pact in Malaysia. The former had his sexcapade recorded without his knowledge and distributed to the public which led to his resignation as Health Minister on 2 January 2008. In the clip, it was reported that Dr Chua was given fellatio by his female companion. Dr Chua denied that he was involved in the production of the sex clip but he admitted that the man in the clip was him.

If you are not familiar with Dr Chua, he is a member of Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), a political party in Malaysia which is a component of the political coalition that currently forms the government, known as National Front or Barisan Nasional in Malay.

Dr Chua was not charged in court for the fellatio he got and he has on 28 March 2010 made a stunning political comeback by winning MCA’s presidency election.

On the other side, we have Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim(DSAI), who is currently being tried for sodomy. A charge that DSAI vehemently denied having committed and the prosecutor has yet to produce conclusive evidence against him. Coincidently, DSAI is the leader of the Opposition pact in Malaysia.

Therefore, the chagrin of DSAI’s supporters and also Non-Partisans alike are understandable.

Anyway, the purpose for my blogging is not to discuss on Dr Chua and DSAI. The twit conversations on the matter roused my curiosity on the particular law that deal with this crime. So I started asking around and googled the act.

End result, I found section 377a/b/c of Act 574 from the Attorney General’s website.

Initially, I thought that our law did not cover Oral Sex, only Sodomy. Section 377a clarified that for me. It is defined in no uncertain terms,
…introduction of the penis into the anus or mouth…
In this juncture, I came upon an interesting oddity. We all know that Oral Sex came in the form of Fellatio and Cunnilingus. However, Section 377a has limited the crime to Fellatio only. Gender discrimination? :) One would think that the meaning of carnal intercourse against the order of nature would include Cunnilingus or maybe perhaps inserting one’s tongue into a vagina is very natural?

377a also limit the prosecution of person who participate in this sex act to the recipient of the fellatio i.e. the man who has his penis pampered,
Any person who has sexual connection with another person by the introduction of the penis into the anus or mouth of the other person..
If it had read as “Any person who has sexual connection with another person by the introduction of the penis into the anus or mouth”, that would have implicated both parties.

377c seems to address the punishment of the one giving the fellatio,
Whoever voluntarily commits carnal intercourse against the order of nature on another person without the consent, or against the will, of the other person, or by putting the other person in fear of death to the person or any other person
However, this is only in the case of the recipient of the fellatio partaking in the sex act involuntarily.
Therefore, it is okay to give fellatio on someone provided it is voluntarily but if you are receiving it, you are in deep shit and women can continue having their oral sex provided it is done on them and not them giving oral sex to a man, otherwise, the man will be in deep shit.

March 29, 2010

West Malaysians begging in Sabah?

In the 4th page of The Daily Express today :

Concern over disabled from peninsula coming to Sabah's interior to beg 
Uhim Wong
KENINGAU: Sabah parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) has expressed concern over disabled people from the peninsula coming to Sabah to beg.
Council of Elders' deputy chairman, Robert Linggi, questioned the motive of these disabled in wanting to come all the way from the peninsula to Sabah's interior just to beg.
He was commenting on two disabled people from Johor Baru singing songs and begging for sympathy from th public.
Ho Chen, 22, who met an accident several years ago that caused his legs to be amputated and his mute and blind friend, Lee, 26, said they came to Keningau on their own expenses.
"I just don't understand why they have to come all the way from West Malaysia to Sabah to beg when Sabah is already the poorest State," said Linggi.
He suspected that irresponsible people were making use of these West Malaysian disabled for their own ends.
I recognized the two in the picture, I saw them maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago in Beaufort. Ho Chen was sitting on a trolley while Lee pushed him. They were wearing bright red T-Shirts and caps. I thought they were one of the local disabled students. I thought the local school for the disabled was having a fundraising and thought nothing more of it, I was just driving by.

When I read that they came all the way from Johor Baru to beg in Sabah, my thoughts were exactly as what Linggi remarked, "I just don't understand why they have to come all the way from West Malaysia to Sabah to beg when Sabah is already the poorest State!".

I find the situation rather amusing. They obviously did not do their homework. Sabah is the last place you want to be begging for money and not especially if you have to use your own expenses to travel from Johor.

Then I was concern that they may be used by syndicate, I wonder whether there are many more of them in Sabah now. If there are many more disabled West Malaysians who flew in especially to beg, than something fishy is going on. However, if it's only Ho Chen and Lee, then I got a not so menacing theory on why they are here;Sightseeing! :), yes sightseeing. They probably just want to see(at least for Ho Chen) how Sabah is and decided to come over. Begging their way to cover their expenses.

March 12, 2010

Poverty splits mum and child

Poverty splits mum and child

It saddens me the poverty that Maureen Lee and her son have to endure. As a parent, I can feel her pain. To be separated from her son, to have to resort to sending her son to a boy's home for his own good.

She claimed that she saw well off people living in the Kuching Municipal Council flats that were meant for poor people? She said she was shocked to see people driving big cars living in these flats! I'm shocked too!

Perhaps the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission should look into this.

March 8, 2010

Plundering away the wealth of our children

Yeah! For profit!!! Squander everything while you can, fuck the environment. Fuck endangered species! I only care about my pocket.
This article is on the front page of the Daily Express today. Location – Mukah, Sarawak. These people are on a rush to be rich, apparently. Poor Sabah & Sarawak, not only foreign fishermen are plundering you, your own sons are doing the same to you.

March 6, 2010

Thank you for apologizing brother

I blogged about Al-Islam's reporters desecrating the Host which is considered to be the most sacrilegious act by Catholics.

Link as follow :

Today, I think I can say that all Malaysians of different races, religions including Muslims, collectively sigh with relief when Utusan Karya Sdn Bhd , the owner of Al Islam magazine, apologize to all Christians, specifically to Catholics.

In Utusan Karya Sdn Bhd site, they issued a statement saying that it was not their intention to offend Christians. They were conducting an investigation on a tip they received and they categorically deny that it was their intention to insult the Christians. They also said that the two reporters involved also asked for forgiveness for their ignorant. While carrying out their duty, they had without intention offended the Christians. It said that Al Islam hope similar incident will not happen again.

It also said that the apology will be printed in Al Islam April 2010 edition.

Khairy Jamaluddin, the MP for Rembau and UMNO Youth Chief twitted the following in response to this development:

@Khairykj Al Islam: If charged, positions harden, escalate. W/ apology - sincerity, forgiveness & reconciliation. Wisdom all around. 
Why I do a follow up blog on this?

I thought that it was not necessary for me to blog it as I am busy with my Twitter, moreover, media are already carrying the story. However, just in the off chance that I have a Western reader dropping by on my blog, I felt it is my responsibility to indicate in this blog that this matter is now resolved.

We have our closure and our fellow Malaysians, our brother of different faith, have apologized.

The following is Utusan Karya Sdn Bhd's statement of apology on their websie. Unfortunately, it is in Bahasa Malaysia. Well, you can use google language to translate it :)

Majalah Al Islam memohon maaf berhubung penyiaran artikel `Tinjauan Al Islam dalam Gereja: Mencari Kesahihan Remaja Melayu Murtad’, keluaran Mei 2009,  kerana artikel itu tanpa disengajakan telah menyinggung perasaan para penganut agama Kristian, khususnya Katolik.
Adalah dimaklumkan, tinjauan itu dilakukan bertujuan mencari kesahihan dakwaan orang awam berhubung isu tersebut. Al Islam juga sama sekali tidak berniat untuk menghina agama Kristian, apatah lagi mengganggu atau menceroboh rumah ibadat mereka.
Dua wartawan yang terlibat turut memohon maaf kerana tidak menyedari apa yang mereka lakukan semasa melaksanakan tugasan tersebut telah menyinggung perasaan para penganut agama berkenaan. Al Islam berharap perkara seumpama ini tidak akan berulang lagi. – Pengarang Al Islam

* Permohonan maaf ini juga akan disiarkan dalam Al Islam keluran April 2010 yang akan berada di pasaran pertengahan bulan ini.   

March 2, 2010

Spirit of Tambunan, where art thou!

For the uninitiated, Tambunan is a district in the interior region of Sabah.

In a 2000 consensus, its population was estimated at 27,852. The population is mostly Dusun (now known as KadazanDusun), with Chinese, Malays and other ethnic groups being the minority. The Dusuns in Tambunan are predominantly Christians but there are some Muslims among them.

Tambunan's most famous son is Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Pairin Kitingan whom is the current Deputy Chief Minister of Sabah helming the Ministry of Infrastructure Development.

Famous Standoff

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