Link as follow :
Today, I think I can say that all Malaysians of different races, religions including Muslims, collectively sigh with relief when Utusan Karya Sdn Bhd , the owner of Al Islam magazine, apologize to all Christians, specifically to Catholics.
In Utusan Karya Sdn Bhd site, they issued a statement saying that it was not their intention to offend Christians. They were conducting an investigation on a tip they received and they categorically deny that it was their intention to insult the Christians. They also said that the two reporters involved also asked for forgiveness for their ignorant. While carrying out their duty, they had without intention offended the Christians. It said that Al Islam hope similar incident will not happen again.
It also said that the apology will be printed in Al Islam April 2010 edition.
Khairy Jamaluddin, the MP for Rembau and UMNO Youth Chief twitted the following in response to this development:
@Khairykj Al Islam: If charged, positions harden, escalate. W/ apology - sincerity, forgiveness & reconciliation. Wisdom all around.Why I do a follow up blog on this?
I thought that it was not necessary for me to blog it as I am busy with my Twitter, moreover, media are already carrying the story. However, just in the off chance that I have a Western reader dropping by on my blog, I felt it is my responsibility to indicate in this blog that this matter is now resolved.
We have our closure and our fellow Malaysians, our brother of different faith, have apologized.
The following is Utusan Karya Sdn Bhd's statement of apology on their websie. Unfortunately, it is in Bahasa Malaysia. Well, you can use google language to translate it :)
Majalah Al Islam memohon maaf berhubung penyiaran artikel `Tinjauan Al Islam dalam Gereja: Mencari Kesahihan Remaja Melayu Murtad’, keluaran Mei 2009, kerana artikel itu tanpa disengajakan telah menyinggung perasaan para penganut agama Kristian, khususnya Katolik.
Adalah dimaklumkan, tinjauan itu dilakukan bertujuan mencari kesahihan dakwaan orang awam berhubung isu tersebut. Al Islam juga sama sekali tidak berniat untuk menghina agama Kristian, apatah lagi mengganggu atau menceroboh rumah ibadat mereka.
Dua wartawan yang terlibat turut memohon maaf kerana tidak menyedari apa yang mereka lakukan semasa melaksanakan tugasan tersebut telah menyinggung perasaan para penganut agama berkenaan. Al Islam berharap perkara seumpama ini tidak akan berulang lagi. – Pengarang Al Islam
* Permohonan maaf ini juga akan disiarkan dalam Al Islam keluran April 2010 yang akan berada di pasaran pertengahan bulan ini.