May 18, 2011

The Most Generous of us all

Wow! Saw this news about some homeless guy named Curtis Jackson, helping out an Ex-Banker who herself recently became homeless. 

It is so inspiring! Just goes to show that kindness begets kindness. Curtis has nothing to his name but he gave everything of his to help out someone he has no blood ties to. 

Sandy, not her real name, used to have a job as a banker and she had a home, a car and security. She had a good live! One day she lost her job and her home. She and her 10 year old son had to sleep in their car for 3 months before the police and DCFS (I think it's a department that watch after children's welfare) threatened to take away her son if she couldn't provide a safe place to stay for her son. 

A social worker helped find a hotel for them to stay and paid for a few nights stay from her(the social worker) own pocket. When Sandy and her son was at danger of being out in the street again because they couldn't pay for the room, Curtis came to the rescue and paid for their hotel bills. He has been doing it since December 2011 and so far he had paid about USD9,000/-. 

Curtis doesn't have a job! How he do it? He begs on the street. He keeps some of his day's 'earning' for bus fares and food for himself and the rest he gave it all to Sandy. So why is Curtis who himself has nothing, decided to help Sandy? When Sandy had a job, she was kind to Curtis. He used to beg around the place where Sandy worked. Whenever she saw him, she would be kind to him and treated him with dignity. 

So next time if you see a stranger in need, be kind to them, they might just be your angel when you are in need.

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